What can I sell at the Market? 

The Bream Creek Farmers Market is centered around fresh, seasonal food and the Committee invites stallholders who grow, cook, catch or pick Tasmanian produce to join us.  This may include vegetables, fruit, grains, nuts, pulses, fresh cut meat, fresh seafood, fresh poultry, milk, eggs and honey, or value-added products, such as baked goods, jams, preserves, confectionary and other food that can be consumed on or off-site.  Producers of garden products such as plants, fruit and vegetable seedlings, fresh cut flowers, fertilisers, composts, manures, mulches, seed raising mix, worm farms and worm tea are also welcome.

Still not sure about your product?  Contact us via email at breamcreekfarmersmarket@gmail.com

I want to be part of the market, but live outside the Bream Creek area. Can I still participate?

Come along, all are welcome! Our definition of “local” is “Tasmanian”. So if you have a lot of granny smiths on your tree in Huonville, honey in your hives in Oatlands, or you make sausages in Launceston, you are most welcome to sell them at our market.

Will hot food and drink be available at the market?

The Bream Creek Farmers Market is not just a place to buy fresh, low food mile produce, but also a community event. We want everyone to feel welcome to come have a coffee, breakfast or lunch with us, so hot food, hot and cold beverages, baked goods and snacks are available at each and every market!

What facilities are there at the Bream Creek Show grounds?

The show grounds have plenty of space, parking and clean toilets as well as electricity and water.  The show grounds also have a beautiful view of rolling green hills and lots of space for picnic blankets and seating!

What if it rains on market day?

The show grounds have indoor, undercover and outdoor areas. The market will be an outdoor market unless the weather has other ideas. No matter what the forecast the market will go ahead, and the market committee will decide on the day whether the stall holders should set up outdoors, or in one of the other areas.

I grow my own fruit and vegetables, but don’t think I’ll have enough for a whole table, how can I be part of the market?

We are aware that some producers may not have enough produce to need a whole table at each and every market, so space at the Community Stall is available, where you are welcome to share the space with others who only have a few bushels of vegetables or a few bags of lemons.  Find more information here.

I have plenty of produce but I don’t have a trestle table or tent. What do I do?

The committee have a limited amount of trestle tables available for stall holders. You will need to book this the week prior to the market.

I want to sell cakes, relishes and preserves at the market, but I don’t have a commercial kitchen, what can I do?

Depending on what you are making, you may not need the use of a commercial kitchen.  Please check with the Sorell Council about what your requirements are and whether you will require a Temporary Food Licence.  Call Sorell Council on 03 6269 0000 or email sorell.council@sorell.tas.gov.au

Can I bring my dog along on market day?

No.  For the safety and comfort of all, the market is a dog free zone. This is in compliance with local government by-laws as well as our public insurer’s stipulations. Dog parking is available outside the market bounds.

What else can I do to help make the market a great success?

Tell your friends! Spread the word on facebook! Sign up for updates on the front page of this blog! We want as many producers and shoppers as we can find to make a market full of wonderful produce with a vibrant, atmosphere. We also want our stall holders to sell lots of their fare, so tell your friends to bring a basket to fill with great buys.